There is a lot of flying going on this year
Wednesday evening 19th April Ian took flight number 200 in his PW5
Ian has generously offered his PW5 as a club ship and so members (who are signed off) can fly this nice 13 meter ship under their usual club flying privileges. Thank you Ian. The PW5 resides in the main hangar.
The glider was the winner of the IGC international World Class Design is made in Poland. On the outside of the cockpit you will see the words SMYK and I am told that this means "mischievous boy" although we might get some additional comments from the SOSA Polish community on this?

Wash only with wax Tar and Bug cleaner (in hangar on table with other waxes, etc), NOT water as this leaves a rough deposit - difficult to remove. If you land out, please ensure that only persons who have de-rigged and loaded the trailer before, do so to assist you. The glider has some damage from incorrect handling in the past! I will arrange some rigging/derigging sessions on Sat /Sun mornings soon so that you may learn the ropes!