Jay reports his findings in a colourful article - below

I woke this morning to find that the property value around Dave's trailer had increased overnight. This is due to the new lakefront proximity of Dave's trailer. I decided to go inspect the field on my bike, and I didn't have to ride very far to see the pools of standing water on the airfield.

Runway 21/03 is completely unusable due to a large pools of standing water approximately 100 feet x 25 feet in its center. The taxiways to the respective runways are also waterlogged. The center of the other runways do not have any standing water; however, my bike tires were spinning up quite a bit of water. The taxiway from both hangars to the runways is full of water and it would be virtually impossible to get the gliders to the runway without gettting them stuck/muddy. I have never seen the field in this shape after a torrential downpour. I would recommend that no flying take place on the field today due to its condition.
Tomorrow might be possible if the warm sun dries up some of the standing water, and the thunderstorms that are forecast later this evening do not happen. If you're standing at work, looking out the window and reading this, you'll likely see the first signs of cu for the day. Do not curse the weather gods just yet - the tephi for the day shows that it will overdevelop around noon. Besides, standing water in most fields in and around Rockton and likely most of Southern Ontario would not make any off-field landing a pretty one (and I for one and not coming to get you!).