Board Meeting

In an effort to better communicate the activities of the SOSA Board, the blog will have a review of past meetings and the "public" topics we discussed.
The image is the antithesis of the calm and cool manner of the SOSA board :-)-
- Aerobatic Program. There was a request to permit solo aerobatic maneuvers under instructor supervision for those students having achieved a particular standard. The Board referred the issue to the CFI committee for their comments
- The club mission statement is to be reviewed to include the issue of equal opportunity and harrasement
- Ground School is to be held once again at the clubhouse Oct 21,28 and Nov 4th. The issue of fees was discussed. The merits of putting on the school was discussed having regard to the effort required. To be investigated is the issue of inviting a professional instructor from a power flying club.
- Trillium. Considered was the potential to apply for another grant this time for Youth Camp purposes
- The past youth camp performance was discussed and generally reported to be very positive. No incidents or accidents of note. Good flight line activity and great attitude of the participants. Thanks to Tom, Lorna, Dave Dan Martin and Willem for acting as instructors and chaperones. Likely to repeat the camp next year
- Request for the 505, LS4 and Jantar to be taken to the ridge in early October. Jerzy Sergei and Anthony to lead the group of 6 SOSA members. The request was approved at daily charges. However if the weather forecast at the weekend looks good the LS4 has to stay for members use.
- Paul is away for 7 months from Sept end and Graham Smith has offered to assist in his absence.
- Summer AGM agenda items
- Communication issues. We need to communicate Board activity better in addition to the minutes in the clubhouse. Resolved to blog the non-sensitive matters.
- Next Board meeting - Nov 11th at 0930. Venue to be determined