In this photo you see the "office" in the carrying mode....all folded up and easy to carry into or out of the bus.

Photo #2 Shows it in recording configuration....the daily flight sheet is held down by two Plexiglas strips (much the same as our old unit worked) and the flight tickets are shown parked on the upright board. To the left of the blue line are the airborne tickets the right of the green line are the "on the line" tickets.

Photo #3 Illustrates the interior storage spaces where there is room for a year's supply of daily flightsheets and at least a month's supply of pink tickets along with space for pens, pencils and the clock.
Photo #4 Shows the daily temporary storage bins for the filled-out-after-landing pink tickets, the filled-out-after-landing white tickets and the blank ready-to-use tickets.
Many thanks to Doug and Pat for seeing something that needed fixing and going ahead and fixing it! It sure looks like this office will help improve the timekeepers' fare on the flightline, especially on those days when it is too wet to move the bus.