The 2006 flying season was a very good year at SOSA. Despite the wet weather in the latter part of the season we managed to fly 3597 flights, up from 3406 flights in 2005. We also celebrated FIRST SOLO flights for:
Dave Akaydin
Justin Allport
Dan Darragh
Dennis Dyke
Gary Green
Spencer Hunt
Mark Karamanis
Francois Labelle
Andy Mazur
Neil Wilson
Ping Wu
Scott Hube
Anna Piascik
Tomas Rezek
Ping Wu
Rafael Bravo
Andrew Corrigan
Eric Gillespie
Sergei Morozov
This increase in flights is in part due to an increase in members in 2006, but flat rate programs also made a significant impact on the number of flights members take. The flat rate programs have become very popular since their introduction in 2004. Approximately 50% of the membership now purchase either the 10 hour block or unlimited flat rate package.

The atmosphere at the club is also a contributing factor to the successful year. During the year many visitors remarked that SOSA is the most welcoming club they ever visited! The flight line is a bustling happy place, hangar flying in the clubhouse, camaraderie on the field all contribute to the atmosphere at the club. If members feel happy while at the club they are more likely to spend time at the club and fly more. It is important that we make all members and visitors feel welcome.

The increase in the number of flights also translates into good fiscal performance for the club. Once again as a result of our flying operations we booked a good surplus in 2006. This surplus can now be used for future improvements to the club facilities, equipment and fleet. This also means that there will be no fee increases for the 2007 flying season.
Equipment upgrades for next season include a new LX5000 flight computer in the LS4. This computer will be identical to the unit in the DG505. The LX4000 will now be installed in the Jantar, improving its instrumentation and making it contest ready. The Blaniks will all receive new Borgelt electric audio varios. New seatbelts will be installed in GHL and CXC as well as the front seat of the Citabria.

LX5000 and B40

Don’t forget the AGM scheduled for Saturday 24 February at the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum (CWHM). Registration will start at noon and the meeting will start at 1 PM. After the meeting the Annual Awards Banquet (with door prizes) will start at 6 PM at the CWHM. Join us for the meeting and banquet to celebrate the success of the club and our members during 2006.