The sun was out, the temperatures were perfect and the runway has dried nicely allowing us to kick-start the season this weekend. As of the end of flying on Sunday, we had launched 115 flights, flying from 10 am until 6 pm both Sat and Sun (and from noon till 5 pm on Fri).
Many completed their spring check flights and spin checks over the weekend, so we now have a good core of check instructors ready to get everyone else checked out.
The conditions were also superb with great soaring conditions - 5 kt average lift to 5000 ft. Luke flew the Jantar on Sat for 3 hours, confirming that the newly installed LX4000 is working well. On Sun both Luke and Sergei flew the LS4 again confirming the operation of the newly installed LX5000.
Tom Coulson and Chris Wilson also rigged and launched in W2 - likely making it the earliest soaring flights of the year in W2 history.