The following is the eulogy read by Dave Springford at the service for Mira. The family from Czech Republic have sent a letter to our members and this follows the eulogy.
Eleanor Roosevelt’s said “Life was meant to be lived”. This now so reminds us of Mira, a person who embraced a spirit of adventure and lived life to its fullest. Many people have visited with Tomas, Lukas and David this past week and reminisced about Mira’s life remembering that adventure, challenge and spontaneity were important in her life, and that taking the easy path was never an option.
- the adventure of Tomas and Mira’s life started in Czechoslovakia 18 years ago. At that time, Tomas had the dream job of any young man as a receptionist in a female University dormitory and this is where he met Mira. Amongst the 400 or so girls, Tomas only had eyes for Mira, and within 3 months their love was celebrated in marriage and their adventure together was started.
- Life for Tomas and Mira was meant for broader boundaries so they forged travel documents and escaped from behind the iron curtain on August 18th 1989 and lived in a refugee camp in Austria. They earned a living together doing dishes and washing windows to get by.
- Living conditions were tough without the warmth of close family but the young couple found refuge in an old priest’s house which they had bargained for free in return for repairs and decoration. Tomas and Mira lived here for almost 2 years, While in Austria, both Lukas and David were born and Tomas recalls that these were some of Mira’s happiest moments.
- Canada held more opportunity for adventure for Mira and Tomas and although further distant from family ties they took the challenging step of emigrating in 1997. For Mira, Canada was a, beautiful vast and open country, full of nature as well as the opportunity to progress and allow her boys to grow.
- Canada provided Mira and Tomas with the opportunity to work together and start their own business venture in the field of electronics. Rezek Technology has become important and successful in its field, targeting the broadcasting industries. Mira’s creative work is now used at major companies such as IBM, Media 3 and ESPN and her “go to” attitude will be missed. For most couples, working together is disastrous but for Mira and Tomas this was an opportunity for another adventure together
- Canada, now home for Mira presented more adventure and challenges. Her love of the outdoors led her to take up sailing courses and persuade Tomas to buy a keel boat. They bought a property near Parry Sound where weekends swimming and canoeing were favourite times. Not wanting to miss out on any outdoor adventures Mira took up a number of different activities such as horse riding, dog sledding, and even scuba diving and winter survival camping all of which are fondly remembered family activities. Mira’s mantra for life was to keep it full and happy. She certainly succeeded in this
- Riding motor cycles was another passion that gave Mira a sense of freedom and adventure. Tomas fondly recalls Mira’s spontaneity one day when she announced that with three days off work they would take an 1800 km trip to the east coast to ride the cabot trail.
-Soaring was another way that Mira found to express her sense of adventure, the love of the outdoors and a family atmosphere. Here at the club was the challenge of learning to fly as well as an extended family of 150 people. Mira’s personality was fun and outgoing, always keen to help. She brought a welcome and contagious enthusiasm that will be greatly missed.
- With all this activity Lukas and David were not allowed to be couch potatoes languishing in front of the TV like most children. To Mira, teaching the boys life skills such as cooking, cleaning and bushwhacking through the outdoors was far more important. David and Lukas have their own love of life, a maturity well beyond their years and their own sense of adventure, all very much influenced by their mother. For them their mother will be an enduring memory throughout their lives.
We are all deeply saddened as we come together to celebrate the life of Mira and mourn her passing. She was taken from us in the middle of her life but as many remind us, it is not how many years you have lived but the life you put into the years. For all of us Mira’s strong spirit of adventure, her many accomplishments and her love of challenge is an inspiration. She certainly did put a great deal into her life and fulfill many of her dreams. Her memory will be strong in all of us.
Before I close I would like to recite a poem High Flight that has become a mantra for many pilots. It was written by a Canadian Aviator Pilot Officer Gillespie Magee during the second World War
The verse brings to mind the adventurous nature of Mira’s life which we all celebrate here together.
High Flight
Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds – and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of - wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence.
Hov'ring thereI've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air.
Up, up the long delirious, burning blue,
I've topped the windswept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or even eagle flew –
And, while with silent lifting mind I've trod
The high untresspassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand and touched the face of God.
Pilot Officer Gillespie Magee No 412 squadron, RCAF
We will all miss Mira and her life is an inspiration for us all. Thank you.
At Štramberk on September 2nd 2007 Dear Paul, Dear club members,
Let me have a brief look back to the recent days we spent with you and your friends. When I spoke to you Paul for the first time I was not able to concentrate my mind on anything. Mira´s mother and my family had been so desperate and helpless, we didn´t know what to do. At that time you came with the idea or question of our coming to Canada to stay by Tomas and his sons to say last adieu to Mira. Although we knew that a lot of things should be arranged for to be able to go to Canada, I started thinking of it and doing what was necessary, which helped us to overcome the hard time we lived through then. At the same time it made it possible for Mira´s mother and Alena to believe that they would be able to part with her beloved daughter and sister. It is necessary to say that we would not be able to cope with so much paper work without you and your friends to say nothing of arranging so many things in Toronto.
This is what Alena asked me to write : I had dreamed and longed to go to see Mira´s family for a long time, but our son Simon was just a baby which made it almost impossible then. Unfortunately the events unexpectedly turned to the worst side and I understood that I should do anything to stay alongside Tomas, David and Lucas to embrace them to share their grief with them at least for a couple of minutes. It was the only thing we could do for them because we are not able to do almost anything for them otherwise. I was surprised to see so many people coming to the funeral - people which liked Mira. I understand now that Tomas and boys are not quite alone there which makes me comfortable. Mira told me a lot of things about her friends and flying in Toronto last year that after coming to Toronto and seeing you I had a feeling I know you already. She liked their friends and flying very much and I now believe that the flying party will make a kind of family for the boys in the future too for which I am immensely grateful to all of you.
We were deeply moved to learn from Tomas that you collected money to cover our air tickets and the hotel bills, which means that you understand our not easy financial situation we have to face here now in association with that sad event. I would like to say we are extremely grateful to all of you. Let us thank you and your friends very much once more.
Yours truly Marta, Alena and Alois