GDK has a new engine, after 2400 hours of towing the engine was due for overhaul. At the end of February the engine was removed by Kovachiks and the rebuild started. Today, Lee finished installing the engine on GDK and we put the first 2 hours of break-in time on the engine.

It was a busy day at the club today as Pat and Jerzy first held golf cart races and then cleaned up IQY for its first flights of the year.

The canopy needed a good cleaning after a winter's worth of dust.

The cockpit also needed a little tidying up to get rid of last year's grass.

Our new towpilot Matt was able to put about and hour and a half on the Citabria today in preparation for his tow check-out.

We also had our first visitor of the year, Bob Lepp, who after hearing via the grapevine that we were flying today trailered his SZD-55 to SOSA from Aurora and was rewarded with a 31/2 hour flight. At one point he reported a 9 kt thermal and was able to climb up to 6000 ft in blue conditions.

Ian Oldaker was one of the first to fly at SOSA this year, making Pat, Ian, John, Jerzy and Dave current and able to start spring check rides for everyone else.

Luke was able to stop by at the end of the day and was also rewarded with a nice soaring flight.
Here's to the start of a good season!