It's the first FAI badge flight by a SOSA pilot in 2008. May 24, Spencer took off solo in the Blanik C-FCXC, relased from the towplane above the SOSA airfield and then began counting at zero time. He stayed aloft in some pretty good lift (and the accompanying sink!) for a further five hours, fifteen minutes. In soaring, the five hour flight is considered a milestone for a pilot. As one of the younger pilots at SOSA, Spencer has been working toward goals such as this. He says, "I'd like to thank everyone who kept talking to me on the radio. It was nice to have people like Jay (Allardyce) check in every hour. Also L-13 Blaniks have the most uncomfortable seats ever and my butt and back hurt for 3 days afterward. C-FCXC was the first glider I soloed on. Even though SOSA wants to sell it, CXC is still my favourite Blanik."
The Five hour flight is part of a trio of tasks that need to be accomplished for the Silver badge, which is awarded by the FAI (Federation Aeronautique Internationale). The other two are a 1,000 metre height gain and a 5okm cross country flight.
Congratulations from everyone at SOSA, Spencer!