Sadly this year two of our long standing and very hardworking board members stepped down, our President and Treasurer Dave Springford and CFI John Brennan. John also held the positions of President and Grounds director over his long service on the board. Our trusty Aircraft Maintenance director Al Grant also stepped down this year.
We should all make an effort to thank these three and all those on the board of directors. Many hours go into running our fine flying club.
The new board of directors are:
President and Treasurer - Andrea Kuciak
CFI - Tom Coulson
Secretary - Jack Leach
Aircraft Maintenance - Joe Stubbs
Grounds Equipment - Lorna Novosel
Grounds Facilities - Sergei Morozov
Membership Director - Terry McElligott
IT - Luke Szczepaniak

Newly licenced pilots Vlada Dekina, Mark Karamis and Niel Wilson receiving their certificates of acheivement from the former CFI and new President.
Awards were also handed out to:
- Tom Coulson for Instructor of the Year (DR. WOLF DIETRICH LEERS AWARD),
- Shirley Dashper for a significant contribution to the non-flying operations at SOSA (THE REINHARD AWARD),
- Dave Simek for a significant contribution by a first year pilot (KEN LARMOUR AWARD),
- Paul Fish for the best flight by a Silver Badge Pilot (THE ROYAL CROWN COLA SOARING TROPHY),
- Wilfred Krueger for the fastest triangle (500 km) done out of SOSA (THE DOUG WINGER 500),
- Scott McMaster for a significant contribution by a Tow Pilot (DOUGLAS C. WINGER MEMORIAL TROPHY).