Instructors meeting at MacMaster March 25th 2006
Hello Instructors from Lorna Novosel - SOSA CFI
The agenda for the Instructors' meeting to be held on March 25th is posted below. Although it looks rather structured, we really hope the day can be quite relaxed and informal. The main focus of the meeting is to make sure we all have the same information, and that everyone is comfortable with some new initiatives that were introduced last season (for example, the first exercise in the flight test includes facts from the POH which some of us may not have paid much attention to in our instructing). So, following this meeting, we will all be able to prepare our students for all aspects of the flight test.
Please note that you need to print out and bring some of the information that is on our website. In the case of the pre-solo test, you need to bring the completed test.
As we go through all of the information, let's try to think about how we can incorporate this into our everyday instruction. We will focus on this at the meeting as well.
Because it is a packed day, we have allowed only an hour for lunch. You may want to brown bag it, or Scott says there are a number of fast food places nearby (if you park in the pay lot, I'm not sure if you would have to pay again upon returning from lunch)
Looking forward to seeing as many of you as can make it on the 25th.
MARCH 25TH, 2006
0930 Introduction Lorna Novosel
0940 Review of Pre-Solo Questions John Brennan
1030 Review of Airspace Tom Coulson
1100 Review of Flight Test and Ground Test Study Guide Scott McMaster
1200 Parachute DI Andrea Kuciak
1230 – 1330 LUNCH
1330 New This Year Lorna Novosel
pink tickets
instructor currency/facilitation of instructing
instructor training (Chris Wilson)
passenger/intro rating
progression through the fleet
GLIDE exam
1400 Background to Spin Checks Eric Gillespie
1415 New Spin Curriculum Scott McMaster
1430 Cross Country Training Programme All Participants
1530 Other Business
PLEASE BRING WITH YOU: (All can be downloaded from SOSA’s website,
Learning to Fly)
Flight Training Curriculum
Pre-Solo Examination Study Guide (completed)
Flight Test Guide
Flight Test Guide – Supplement for Exercise 1