What a great early March day to be outside although no cu. However a bunch of SOSA members got together to work on the clubhouse and help out with more finishing work - Painting the lounge extension, the kitchen and the bathroom. The pizza was pretty good and cameraderie was great. Tom and Sean's Dad got the gator going and trailed the furniture down to the hangar (we should have done this before now) in preparation for the new tiles to be laid. Steve Benedek, Steve Robinson and his son (Brendan?), Sean Coulton, Don Plewes and Ken Withrow did the painting. Rafael Bravo got the dirtiest job washing the floor down with varsol and now that he has some soiled clothes is good to prove it. Brad came along to help do the moving. John Brennan was in doing the lifting and got the supplies and Dave Springford came to admire the sliding doors as well as show off the 505 and the Junior. Virginia needs a special mention for her selection, measuring and purchase of all the paint - thanks to all.