- Please give us a hand with
some work this weekend. Both Saturday and Sunday we have some essential work to do at the field. The successful flying start to the season has meant that certain work has been left undone. Examples of jobs are
Fill potholes on campground roads and in parking lot using gravel/dirtThe road between the clubhouse and the hangar needs leveling...beside Martin's trailer.- Workshop needs cleaning outUsed oil needs to be brought away...we need someone with a pick-up truckCampground electrical box at south-east corner of main parking lot looks dangerousFix door on Water Treatment PlantWash and wax BWYWash and wax Jr Trailer and LS4 trailerClubhouse handiwork to hang mirrors, clean and stain walls and woodwork, do hooks, and hang cabinet etc etc.Lets get together and do this while the weather is not so good