Recognising the importance of the SOSA grass runways it is critical that these are maintained says our Grounds Director Andrea Kuciak.
The Yellow Peril has been in our service for more than 18 years we are am told and this is well beyond the service life. The SOSA Board elected to spring for new equipment and this was delivered to the airfield last weekend. Thanks to the committee of people headed by Andrea . To be recognized with this initiative in particular is Doug Bremner who started this whole discussion and even got the brochures and prices. Some others involved included Ray Wood, Dave Springford, Scott McMaster and Andrew Corrigan
We will use the existing 135 tractor for now to pull the cutting equipment. It's in good condition but ideally we will want a 60hp to 80hp tractor in the future. The extra horsepower will not only let us go faster but help keep the blades from bogging down when we have to cut thicker/taller grass. We will keep the Yellow Peril until we are comfortable with our new system and then sell it.
If you want to try your hand at this friendly machine just ask Andrea and she will arrange for you to be checked out

Future plans are to buy a 60hp to 80hp tractor to pull this new cutter and maybe next Spring. That way even once the Yellow Peril is dead or sold we'll have two systems so two people can mow at once:
1. The bigger tractor with the new cutter,
2. The existing tractor with the bush hog.
If for some reason the big tractor is down for maintenance our smaller existing tractor can pull the new cutter.
If anyone is interested the specs are on the website at http://www.woodsequipment.com/turf_grounds/commercial/turf_batwing/7144RD_9180RD_9204RD.asp
Overall Cutting width
15 feet
Wing deck cutting width
5 feet
Center deck cutting width
6 feet
Deck overlap
6 inches
Overall width
182 inches
Transport width
100 inches
Maximum overall length
176 inches
Transport height
90 inches
Minimum horsepower requirements
Cutting height range
1-5 inches
Splitter gearbox horsepower
Mower deck gearbox horsepower
Blade Tip Speed
16,950 FPM
Approximate weight
3,120 lbs.
Transport tongue weight
720 lbs
Operating tongue weight
330 lbs.
Ground pressure
9.7 lbs. per square inch