Using the backdrop of the Canadian National Championships we have been approaching the various media to give us some (free) publicity. Behind the scenes the media committee (Terry McElligot, Herrie Ten Cate and your blog editor Paul Fish) has attracted the attention of a number of targets and will result in considerable publicity and hopefully visitors and members. Thanks to the committee
and also to Dave Springford who did the interviews and flights

The Toronto Star sent both a reporter and a photographer on Wednesday morning and they took rides in the LK10 with Herrie Tencate as well as Dave in the DG505. The weather held up and we all enjoyed the event. The Star will publish a good article on Tuesday 27th.

The Cambridge Times also sent a reporter on Wednesday morning and so you should look for an article some time next week.

CTV from Kitchener sent their reporter Michael Melling to SOSA for the entire afternoon on Wednesday and he was treated to a number of flights to get the right shots. Although Melling has extensive camera experience, Herrie stepped in with some direction and advice even doing some of the camera work himself. Melling was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed the afternoon. Look for a segment in the news at 6:00 pm and at 11:00pm

CBC radio will do a live interview on Saturday morning on their show “Fresh Air”. Jeff Goodes will interview Herrie on a cell phone whilst Dave flies the DG505 over the Fresh Air of the Rockton countryside

CHCH TV 11 out of Hamilton will be setting up live on Tuesday 27th at SOSA. They will be broadcasting the Noon time show including weather, news and any other local items and will obviously focus on the National Gliding competition at SOSA. Herrie will be interviewed.
On Tuesday 27th we are holding a general media day along with the 2nd day of competition practice. The day will begin at 10:00am and will include an opening ceremony, the competitor pilots briefing, an acknowledgement of Trillium Fund for the clubhouse, rigging and launch.
All members are welcome to drop by although flying will be limited during the practice day launch.